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October RDH Blog of the Month – Belgian Pearls

One of my favorite aspects of blogging is the ability to connect with people from all around the world.  I love being able to experience different cultures and decorating styles right from my computer screen.  Belgian Pearls - the October RDH blog of the month - is a perfect example of the wonderful global bridge the internet provides.

Greet’s site was one of the first blogs I discovered when I began Red Door Home and it has remained a favorite ever since.  As you might have guessed from the title, Belgian Pearls encompasses all things Belgian.

Greet Lefevre is a talented interior decorator from Belgium. She and her husband run the Lefevre family cabinetmaking business. It is a fourth generation company and their work is truly an example of what beautiful craftsmanship and attention to detail is all about.  Take a look at the pictures below.  All of these photos showcase Lefevre Interiors projects.  Simply stunning!

As you might expect, Greet’s home is also gorgeous.

She and her husband recently finished an update of a room called the orangery.  I love the simple beauty of this space.

Not too long ago, Greet wrote about some special visitors she and her family recently entertained.

Many of you probably recognize Brooke Giannetti from the blog Velvet and Linen - The August RDH blog of the month.  Brooke and her family vacationed in Belgium and during their stay made time to visit Greet and her family at their beautiful home.  I loved hearing about their day together – all coming about through blogging.
Thank you Greet for allowing me to feature Belgian Pearls.  You have been a design inspiration for me and many others from all across the world.

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